How to Create a Transfer on Death Deed in Virginia
A Transfer on Death Deed (TODD) in Virginia offers a simple way to transfer property directly to a beneficiary, avoiding probate. At Commonwealth Life & Legacy Counsel, located in Central Virginia, we help clients leverage TODDs to create a seamless assignment of property in their estate plan. What is a Transfer
Should My Loved One in Need of Care Live with Me?
Increasingly, the concept of aging in place is becoming more popular. However, many of us face the issue of what to do when we notice an older loved one is having difficulty living safely at home. Signs such as a dirty home in poor repair, unpaid bills, piles of mail,
App That Stores Crucial Information That Can Save Lives
Now that we have reached the digital age more Americans than ever before are storing and providing information through digital apps on smartphones and tablet devices. Whether engaging in online banking, using a mobile plane boarding pass, or creating work calendars, shared in the cloud, the internet of things provides
Does Your Estate Plan Account For a Pandemic Like COVID-19?
COVID-19 will probably be with us humans forever, endemic in large swaths of the world in varying degrees of intensity. According to National Geographic, COVID-19 may eventually transition into a "mild childhood illness," joining the four endemic human coronaviruses which contribute to the common cold. Three determining factors, human immunity retention
Act Now to Validate Aging Powers of Attorney
My uncle is in the hospital and needs me to pay bills on his behalf. In 2002, he named me as his financial power of attorney, so I could write checks for him when he couldn't, like now. But the bank is rejecting the document. They say it's too old.
Why It Is Essential To Make a Will
If you have loved ones, then creating a will for your peace of mind and their protection is the right thing to do. Your last will and testament communicates your wishes regarding your dependents and how to dispose of your property when you die. Though crafting your will can make
3 Things To Keep In Mind as Your Special Needs Child Reaches Adulthood
One of the most difficult challenges that parents of special needs children face is knowing how best to care for their children as they reach adulthood. There are many areas that need consideration when planning for the transition of a special needs child to adulthood. Let’s take a look at
Why is Probate Negative?
You may have heard that it's best to avoid probate court if you can. But just because people may have heard that term, doesn’t mean they know exactly what probate means, why it can be a problem, or how to successfully avoid it. In this post, we will take a
The Elder Abuse Prevention and Prosecution Act
The Elder Abuse Prevention and Prosecution Act was designed to combat the growing epidemic of the elderly being taken advantage of financially and abused physically. A study conducted by the National Council on Aging indicates that approximately 1 in 10 Americans aged 60 or older have experienced some form of
An Estate Plan Is Necessary to Make Sure Your Final Wishes Are Carried Out
To be sure your final end-of-life wishes are followed; you must prepare an estate plan. Many put off making these plans thinking there is always time. The sad reality is that none of us are guaranteed time. Others may be bothered by the thought of death itself and allow this